


iPadOS 15 をご利用のようです。 クラスルームを使っていただく前には、Safariの設定変更 が必要です。
  • ProPad™の利用で、講師とともにその場で文字の練習(ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字の書き方を学習)。
  • 和英辞書搭載
  • レッスン教材を表示する大きなホワイトボード
  • 音源利用(聴解力アップに最適)
  • インストールの必要がない簡単な使い方。ブラウザーから直接クラスルームにログイン。
Online Japanese classroom
I have had many language teachers in my life, but Ogihara-sensei is the best of them all.
I’m Pablo Gutierrez from Chile, and I’ve been studying Japanese with Aki Ogihara sensei and Nihongo-Pro since 2019.

When I started studying Japanese, I studied on my own through web pages and watching videos on YouTube. Although I felt that I was learning, I was not achieving the results I wanted. So, I got serious and looked for classes with a Japanese teacher. Googling the website that most caught my attention and that looked most reliable was Nihongo-Pro.

In the beginning I was not sure how good the online Japanese lessons would be . I had a test session with Steve, a very nice support person, where we discussed my goals and how to achieve them. After that I had my trial lesson with Ogihara Aki sensei.

The classes with Ogihara sensei are superb: her Japanese lessons are entertaining, and she is a gentle and patient teacher. Her teaching method is 100% efficient and helped me realize the need for an experienced and native teacher in the language. Also, Ogihara sensei speaks Spanish fluently, which I appreciate as a Spanish native speaker myself. Thanks to the motivation and support that Ogihara sensei has given me during classes and with extra work, I have managed to increase my level of Japanese very quickly and meet my goals. Now I am preparing for the JLPT and I am sure I will score a perfect 100!

Finally, let me add that I highly recommend Nihongo-Pro; the teaching platform is very good and technological. It is easy to use and share information, even practice kanji with ProPad.
