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Free Japanese Quiz for JLPT N4 Grammar: -nai Form

Learn Japanese Online with Free Quizzes—New Quizzes Every Day!

Here's a free beginner Japanese quiz from the expert teachers at Nihongo-Pro. New quizzes are available every day at several skill levels. Take the Nihongo-Pro quiz challenge every day, from your PC, Mac, smartphone, iPad, iPod, or tablet, and learn Japanese online for free!

The JLPT N4 is the second level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, and covers about 50 different grammar forms.

Learning Japanese grammar is not difficult, it just takes practice and perseverance. Spend just a few minutes every day practicing and reviewing grammar (especially sample JLPT test questions), and your Japanese skill will improve quickly.

Nihongo-Pro's free quizzes are a simple, free addition to your JLPT study plan. Even if you don't plan to take the JLPT, JLPT N4 grammar is essential for any beginner student of Japanese. Try a new beginner quiz every day, and you will learn Japanese!

If you want to learn Japanese online fast, we hope you'll consider private lessons at Nihongo-Pro. Our professional, native-speaking Japanese teachers will prepare customized lessons that match your learning style and help you meet your Japanese learning goal. Nihongo-Pro pays our teachers better than other online Japanese schools, even though our tuition is among the most affordable anywhere.

We hope to meet you in an online Japanese lesson soon. In the meantime, the teachers at Nihongo-Pro wish you the best of luck on the JLPT N4 and in all of your Japanese language studies.

JLPT N4 の 文法(ぶんぽう) ない(けい)

    に を れますか。 A・B・C・Dから いちばん いいものを つ えらんで ください。

Stuck? Try one of the Lifelines next to the question.
(にちようび)、 どこも        うちに いました。
あの (ひと)は (はたら)かずに (まいにち) おさけばかり          
(じかん)、        ()って (はな)しました。
かれは あいさつを        (かえ)って いった。
(じかん)が ないので、 いつも (あさ)(はん)を         (かいしゃ)へ ()きます。
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